Therapeutic Modalities

Nature Guided Practices

Over generations we have grown apart from the simple gift of connection to nature. We have forgotten that WE ARE NATURE, we move in cycles just like everything else in nature. We experience seasons and have our own unique rhythm. We have forgotten to stay close to spirit and the messages that lie in the silence of the forest or the crashing of the waves. We've over protected ourselves from the wind in our face and the sun on our backs and we take shelter in a way that keeps us apart from the elements of our wild selves. Nature Guided Practices brings us back into connection with our own wild nature, nature around us and the living Earth. 

  Sensory Motor Art Therapy 

Art therapy can be a powerful and insightful way to explore yourself and your life story. It is an approach which allows expressions without words and it is not about being an artist. Art therapy, through drawing, painting and working with clay can offer a unique avenue for self expression and cultivate an experience of inspiration, nurturing and structure. Also, art therapy evokes a deeper embodied connection to oneself through colours, textures, sounds and images.  

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy is awareness based and offers an experiential and embodied approach to self discovery. Gestalt therapy honours all of our humanity where all parts of who we are, are considered valuable and highly regarded. This approach invites you to explore your intrapersonal and interpersonal experiences by trying out something new, feeling into the sensations of the body, reflecting on the influence of the current and historic environment, learning more about your copying mechanism and patterns of relating. Gestalt therapy ultimately supports you to become the person you already are with more clarity and self assurance. 

Equine Assisted Therapy

Horses have an innate majestic and elegant presence that can call forth feelings of awe and wonder. Working with horses allows you the opportunity to safely explore what happens for you in relationships and therefore embark on a journey of healing and discovery. In Equine Assisted Therapy the horses provide a non-judgemental and often curious presence. They give genuine feedback about how the client is impacting them from moment to moment. This can be really beneficial in noticing patterns that occur for you in relationship to yourself or to others.