Wild Ways Workshop

When: Sunday September 17th 2023
Where: Gray’s Lane Tyagrah NSW
Time: 10:00am- 3pm
Cost: $220 per person
Deposit: $50 by August 30th

Nature Guided Self-Discovery Workshop

Join us on an enchanting journey, guided by nature. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the living earth, reconnect with your wild essence, and realign with your unique rhythm. Awaken your senses to nature's wonders and embrace its magic firsthand. This transformative experience will help you find a greater sense of meaning and belonging to the world around you, reminding you of your place in the grand tapestry of life. Reserve your spot now!

“I got so much out of the Wild Ways weekend in so many ways!!

The weekend was very nourishing with times of quiet contemplation, movement, group sharing and connection. I so enjoyed being in the beautiful setting and sitting in circle around a campfire.With your skillful guidance through the different activities, I felt safe to explore, create, witness and express.

 I came away feeling more whole, authentic and alive.

The experiences in Nature brought up feelings of awe and kinship.I will never see trees the same way again, but it is not just my way of looking at nature that has shifted, but my view of myself.

My "human centred" and "egocentric" view began to shift and what is emerging is a greater sense of belonging to this country. Of not being separate, but a part of, the web of life.Sharing sentience with all that is alive.

I have come away from the weekend not just nourished but deeply touched and transformed.

Thank you both for being the guides and mentors on this journey of recognising and reuniting with the wild nature that resides in us all.”

With Gratitude\Louisa (Ocean Shores).

Lisa and Mairead have carefully crafted a powerful and sublime experience through which you will be surprised and enchanted. They helped facilitate a powerful connection between the exquisite natural setting , ourselves and each other.
